Breed description Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a true aristocrat of the canine world. Dogs of this breed traditionally lived in royal palaces. Such an arrangement of noble persons, they deserve not without purpose. All thanks to beauty, elegance and, of course, character. "Cavaliers" are incredibly kind, affectionate and sociable, playful, but not noisy. They easily adapt to the lifestyle of the owner and become his loyal friend and companion. Prefer a measured way of life? The pet will easily enter your rhythm and will give you warmth and love. Like to constantly be in motion? Cavalier King Charles Spaniel will readily go on a journey with you and will perfectly transfer any type of transport. Do not love them is simply impossible!

Due to the nature, "Chevalier" get along well with other animals and get along well with children. You can be sure that they will not hurt the child and will be extremely patient with him, while they will be happy to support the game and will run a race around the house and across the lawn. By the way, for a long time one of the main duties of this breed was to warm the hosts during the winter cold. No wonder in England they are called "creating comfort." This feature has been preserved to this day.

The main features of the breed

Weight - from 5 to 8kg.  

Growth - depends on gender. The height at the withers of an adult "Girl" is a cavalier king charles spaniel of 25 cm. For "Boys" this figure is 35 cm.  

Coloring - in accordance with the standard four types of color "cavalier" are allowed.  

Black with bright burns.  

Ruby (deep red color).  

Tricolor (tan, white and black).  

Blenheim (white-pearl wool with clear chestnut spots). 

The average life expectancy is from 10 to 12 years.  

Character - as already noted above, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are good family dogs. They are moderately active and unusually tender.  

Intellect - Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are distinguished by a developed intellect. They are well aware of the owner, easy to train. Even soft and docile people can raise a puppy of this breed.

A bit of breed history

The history of spaniels, as such, has many centuries. The first official mention of the breed appeared in the manuscripts of the XV century. In the same period canvases of famous European artists were painted, which depict little toy spaniels. However, we are most interested in the reign of King Charles II (aka Charles II). Acquainted with these dogs, he loved them so much that he started breeding. He even issued a decree opening any doors to representatives of the breed. They could appear in any public place, including the English Parliament.

It was thanks to King Charles II that it turned out to bring out such an amazing breed of dogs, possessing developed intellect and so attached to man. Therefore, it received the name in honor of the king - King Charles Spaniel.

By the way, blenheim, color, which stands out among others, has an interesting history. It is believed that the Duke of Marlborough himself brought him, and gave the name in honor of the battle of Blenheim, which took place during the war for the Spanish inheritance.

Over time, fashion has changed and in the 19th century dogs with a short muzzle became popular. English breeders began to cross King Charles Spaniels with Pekingese, Japanese Khin and other breeds. This significantly affected their appearance.

In his present form, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel appeared thanks to Roswell Eldridge. In 1926 he established a prize fund for a breeder who can bring a dog into its historical appearance. That is exactly in the form in which she lived during the time of King Charles II. And in 1928 the first breed standard was established. However, for a long time, dogs with a short muzzle and in historical form were considered one breed, which resulted in a lot of controversy in the professional environment. And only in 1952, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniels allocated a separate breed of dogs.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed standard

The current standard of the ICF: FCI-Standard N 136 from 01/12/2009  

Purpose: Companions and decorative breeds.  

FCI classification:  

Group 9. Companions and decorative dogs.  

Section 7. English toy spaniels. Without workers test.  

General appearance: Active, graceful, well-balanced dogs.  

Behavior / Temperament: Athletic, affectionate, absolutely fearless. Cheerful, friendly, non-aggressive, not prone to nervousness.



Skull: Between ears almost flat.  

Stop (going from forehead to muzzle): Shallow.  


Nose: Nostrils are black and well pronounced, without light marks.  

Muzzle: The length from the base of the foot to the tip of the nose is approximately 1.5 inches (3.8 cm). Wedge-shaped The facial region of the skull is well filled under the eyes. Any tendency to sharpness is undesirable.  

Lips: Well developed and not pendulous.

Jaws / Teeth: Strong jaws with a perfect, correct, full scissor bite, i.e. the upper incisors are tight on the outside to the lower ones, and are perpendicular to the jaws.  

Eyes: Large, dark, round, but not protruding; well placed.  

Ears: Long, set high, with long abundant adorning hair.  

Neck: Medium length, slightly curved.


Back: Smooth.  

Loin: Short.  

Chest: Moderate depth, with well-arched ribs.  

Tail: Well set, wagging happily in motion, but should not be raised well above the topline. The tail length is in balance with the body. Previously, the tail was stopped at discretion, removing no more than a third of it.


Anterior: The limbs with moderate bones, straight.

Shoulders: Inclined.

Posterior: With moderate bones.

Knee joints: Well defined.

Hock joints: There should not be a “cow” or saber-set hock.

Feet: Compact, with thick pads and rich feathers.

Movement: Free and elegant, with a strong push of the hind limbs. The fore and hind limbs move in parallel when viewed from the front and rear.


Wool: Long, silky, not curly. Slight waviness is acceptable. Lots of decorating wool. Not trimmed.

Color: The following colors are allowed:

Black and Tan: Black and tan over the eyes, on the cheekbones, on the inside of the ears, on the chest, on the paws and under the tail. Signed should be bright. White markings are undesirable.

Ruby: Solid bright red color. White markings are undesirable.

Blenheim: Bright well-contoured chestnut stains on a pearl-white background. The markings on the head are divided equally, leaving room for a valuable diamond-shaped mark (a unique feature of the breed).

Tricolor: Color black with white, with clear edges; stained over the eyes, on the cheekbones, on the inside of the ears, on the inside of the legs, and under the tail

Any other color or color combination is highly undesirable.

Weight: 5.4 - 8 kg (12 - 18 pounds). Preference is given to a small, well-balanced dog with a weight within a given interval.

Disadvantages / defects: Any deviation from the above provisions should be considered as a defect / defect, and the seriousness with which the defect / defect should be evaluated should be proportionate to its severity, as well as its effect on the health and well-being of the dog.

Note: Males should have two normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Sometimes, 2 breeds are confused - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and King Charles Spaniel.